5 Reasons To Hire A Professional To Open Your Pool This Year
Part 1 of 2
The warm weather is finally starting to arrive. Spring is turning into summer faster than Michael Phelps can swim for the gold. If you own a pool, it is time to open it up for the season. That being stated, it is now more crucial then ever before to hire an experienced company that is truly your one stop shop for all swimming pool related needs. Your pool is a much-needed source of entertainment for you and your family this summer. Opening it in the proper manner simply cannot be left up to chance. The following article will provide you with the top five (5) reasons why it is so important to hire a professional to open your pool this year.
Removing And Handling The Pool Cover Can Be Tricky
The very first part of opening your pool for the season involves properly removing, cleaning, and storing the pool cover. This can certainly be a difficult chore for the vast majority of pool owners. However, professional pool technicians have the knowledge, experience, and correct tools and materials to get the job done the right way. As an added bonus, your pool maintenance partner is far more efficient at the process, which means you will be in your pool and swimming sooner.
Regarding removing the cover, it is necessary to ensure that the dirty water and debris that has been collecting on it during the fall and winter does not actually get into your pool. This holds especially true if you did not drain the system. Professional pool technicians remove the cover vigilantly. They will then clean any buildup of dirt, grease, grime, and oil. In addition, your pool cover will be fully sanitized to ensure that bacteria, mold, and mildew will not form during storage.
The Skimmer Baskets And Winterizing Plugs Can Be Difficult To Deal With
Did you know that your pool has step jets and return jets that must be covered with winterizing plugs during the off-season? These winterizing plugs need to be removed when opening your pool. However, the plugs are difficult to remove, and often require special tools in order to do so. If you are not 100% sure how to correctly remove the winterizing plugs you can cause a great deal of damage. Once the plugs are removed, either eyeball or jet fittings must installed prior to using the pool. In addition, the skimmer baskets must be removed. Although removing the skimming baskets is simple in principal, there are winterizing plugs beneath them that must be removed in the proper manner. If the plugs and skimmer baskets are not properly removed and cleaned your pool may not stay clean and ready for use during the summer.
…. To Be Continued
If you have any questions about opening your pool for the season, or would like to schedule service, please contact us today. Underwater Pool Masters, Inc is a full-service swimming pool company that is located in Central Massachusetts. We specialize in preventing, diagnosing, and solving any issues with residential and commercial swimming pools. Underwater Pool Masters, Inc. offers pool maintenance programs including pool openings and pool closings.
We also provide our valued clients with pool renovation services, leak detection and repair, resurfacing options, and on-site consultations. On behalf of Steve White, President and Owner of Underwater Pool Masters, Inc and our entire staff, we look forward to working with you.